Kang Ye Won confesses to Kim Gu Ra on 'Radio Star'


Kang Ye Won confesses to Kim Gu Ra on 'Radio Star' 

 Kang Ye Won confesses to Kim Gu Ra on 'Radio Star'

Performing artist Kang Ye Won showed up on the March 1 portion of MBC's 'Radio Star.' 

At the point when the MCs specified, "As far back as you were planned for 'Radio Star', you've been longing for Kim Gu Ra for as far back as three days?" The on-screen character answered, "I used to have a terrifying picture of him yet his picture has changed so much I like him." 

Taking after this, the MCs solicited, "What do you think from him as a man?" Kang Ye Won expressed, "I like him in particular." 

She then went ahead to discuss her comparable attributes, "I'm not the lovey-dovey sort nor sentimental and I have a limit identity." Kim Gu Ra asked, "Isn't that being unreasonable?" She let go back, "I can be thoughtful on occasion." 

Kang Ye Won remarked on her optimal sort, "I am pulled in to a man who has a pleasant scent like cleanser." She then revealed to Kim Gu Ra, "You appear like the sort to clean up frequently, possessing an aroma similar to blooms," with that the visitors and MC's cheered.

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